Butts Puzzle
2 reviews
A bunch of butts! A bundle of bootys! Featuring all original artwork by artist Cat Lobo
Gather the gang and get ready to chuckle, 'cause this Butts Puzzle is sure to be a hit! Challenging and amusing, it's sure to bring tons of silly fun. Put your butt(s) in gear and get puzzling!
These 16.5" x 22" 500 piece puzzles are the perfect way to spend your night.Gift, self care, novelty, game, group activity, all wrapped up in one high quality box.
Thick, high quality cardboard pieces make for an unforgettable puzzle experience!
Tifani Such an adorable puzzle and had a fun time putting it together. Might have to get the others in the collection to have a full set.
R.C. I loved doing this puzzle. The colors were vibrant and the pieces fit well. Such a fun puzzle.