Let’s be honest: these are the best fucking balloons ever. If you want subtle, quiet, humble, you came to the wrong place. These are the offensive balloons, the naughty balloons, the rude balloons — the kind of balloons your mother warned you about. Yeah, we’ve got some funny baby shower balloons too… right next to the abusive birthday balloons. Did we mention sexy balloons? These balloons have so much sex. (You think you’re into latex? These ARE latex.) Our balloons are funny balloons — in fact, these balloons are so funny, when you blow them up they will blow you away. We know balloons. We have the best balloons. Buy them for someone you give a shit about.
Absolutely loved this puzzle!!! Now I want a p*ssy puzzle! Do you guys have one?? If so, I’ll buy it!
Dicks Puzzle
Damein Place
It is hilarious! Was fun to put together!
What In The Actual Fuck Puzzle
Brian Underkofler
Love the pens, write great too!!
Fresh Out Of Fucks Pen Set
Jessica Anglin
I love this sticker. We just put it on our car and we get compliments all the time. The quality is great and it was easy to place without bubbles. It's very fitting for our family- we're kind of ridiculous parents with the best kid ever (yeah yeah we're biased), so it works well!
Proud Parent of a Dope Ass Kid Bumper Sticker
Karen Barker
Love the stickers, as did the friends I got them for!
I Can Do All Things Through Spite Which Strengthens Me Sticker